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Gifts for the ungiftable

Weird ice
Molds for ice are big. Ice molds come in shapes like round, skull, geometric, slanted, giant, tiny, Star Wars, golf ball, hand grenade, heart, bullet. A variation on the theme is rocks that keep your glass cool. Pair the perfect ice mold with a suitable bottle of refreshment.

Free passes:
You can get passes for parks, museums, movies, car washes, even railroad trips.

Breakfast food:
Try for breakfast baskets (and much more, of course). You can get a crate full of bagels, cream cheese, coffee, orange juice, and pastry. Can be pricey, though.
For the bacon lover, try the Sir Francis Bacon sampler pack. For $30, you get a selection of bacon peanut brittle, back chocolate, and bacon toffee. Check it out on Amazon, where you will find other bacon gifts too.

Subscription boxes:
You can order subscriptions to snack boxes, cosmetics, projects for kids, coffees, dog treats, dinners to make, strange food, and anything else possible to ship.

Crazy candles:
Lots to choose from here: Some candles melt away to reveal a bronze sculpture. A pretty, swirled candle gives 60 hours of fragrance. See

Crafty stuff
A 3-D pen that oozes out a plastic that hardens within seconds. Your crafty friend will not just draw but sculpt, too. See it at
You can also buy 3-D puzzles.

Funny stuff:
How about a custom bobble head? Upload your photo at and you can get your friend or loved one’s head on a variety of bodies.
Or, go all the way and put your loved one’s face on ancient art. Be Napoleon at

Millennials fall for online scams, study says

The most tech-savvy group in the world are the most likely to have lost money in scams, according to the Better Business Bureau.

Millennials fell for scams for online purchases, employment, and debt collection.

In fact, this 25 to 34-year old group was more likely to fall for online scams than 75-year-olds. About 30 percent of the younger group surveyed by the BBB admitted to losing money in scams. But only 5 percent of the older group lost money.


Houston Area Homes and Flood Insurance

The city of Cypress, like the entirety of the Houston area, is prone to flooding. Houston lies on a great coastal plain that slopes evenly down into the Gulf of Mexico, and there is simply no high ground for miles around. The Texas countryside is particularly prone to flash flooding, which means that there may be less time for preparation than many people would expect. The Houston area can go from a drought to a flood in a day, and the Cypress Creek watershed can fill up with such rapidity that it can actually endanger unwary people. A Cypress homeowner can wake up to blue skies and find an inch of floodwater in their living room before dinner.

Large tracts of land in the Dry Creek watershed and other parts of town are built on the AE Zone. This means that there was a calculation that showed about a 1% chance of flooding every year for homes in that area. Flood insurance is especially critical in that area. Insurers may request that the homeowner have their property surveyed and issued an elevation certificate before issuing a policy for their home. Because of these risks, Cypress participates in the National Flood Insurance Program. Also known as the NFIP, this government program regulates and promotes private businesses that provide flood insurance.

People who own recreational vehicles in Cypress should consider obtaining insurance for their RVs. Most types of RV insurance offered by InsureUS cover water damage to the vehicle, so long as the damage is sudden and accidental. A flash flood event would certainly qualify. However, if the vehicle is not properly maintained or promptly seen to after the flood, then the insurance may not pay for the damage.






3 Reasons Your Home Insurance Can Help You Feel Secure

You can’t stop terrible things from happening, no matter how fancy your alarm system is or how many times you double check the weather reports. Home insurance may not help you sleep at night right now, but it might if you start thinking about the many ways it keeps you safe in Cypress, TX. 

1. Protecting Your Property 

You’ve already invested in not just the land and structure of your home, but also all of the things that you’ve managed to acquire in a lifetime. Whether it’s an antique sewing machine or a brand-new painting by an up-and-coming artist, home insurance can help you recover some of what’s gone if it’s all lost to a natural disaster or theft. 

2. Giving You a Friendly Place to Turn 

When something goes wrong, there are a lot of negative emotions that flying through the air. Having someone to call that you know is going to be unbiased and caring can help you put an event in perspective. For those who choose cut-throat carriers, they’re sacrificing comfort and security during what are often the worst times in people’s lives. It’s not worth it when the cards are on the table. 

3. You Can’t Predict the Future 

Just because you’ve had years and years without something going wrong, doesn’t mean that you can continue to count on that kind of good fortune. Having the right insurance means having a net that can catch you when it all falls down. InsureUS serves Cypress, TX and has years of experience helping those who go through events that could never be planned for. If you’re looking for a quote, we’re here to make sure you know all of your options. We can help you figure out where to go when you’re dealing with the unknown. Call us to find out more about how we can help you feel more secure during every season. 


Want to be smarter, more creative, more motivated? Get enough sleep!

Have you heard them bragging about it? Managers, workers and business people of all stripes are telling about their 16-hour days. They try to make it sound like a way to get ahead.

Inc. Magazine’s Jason Fried thinks this message is one of the most harmful in all business. He says sustained exhaustion is a mark of stupidity. Scientists agree, saying IQ scores decline on each successive day you sleep less than you naturally would.

People pulling 16-hour days are exhausted. They’re too tired to notice that their work has suffered because of it, and their sleep debt compromises their health and creativity. And it affects people around them. The sleep deprived are ruder, less tolerant, less understanding, and they can’t concentrate for sustained periods of time.

New workers and managers say when just getting started, they have to give it all they’ve got. But Fried says that the problem is that once started, they get in the habit and don’t stop working that way. Even though they have seen many entrepreneurs and managers burn out following this pattern, they may continue to do it.

When you get plenty of sleep, you’ll think better and be a better colleague and boss.

One reason: your brain is still active at night. It works through matters you can’t address during the day. You can wake up with new solutions to problems.

In the long run, work is not more important than sleep. If you don’t believe it, Fried says to consider this: You’ll die faster without sleep than you will without food.

Nearly everything can wait until morning when you’ll be well rested and able to be a creative problem solver.

A Newbie’s Guide to Motorcycle Insurance

Whether you buy a motorcycle for work or pleasure, you need insurance protection to cover your investment. If you’re new to the motorcycle scene, it’s best to research your options before making any definite decisions on what kind of insurance to buy. Insurance companies and policies are not “one size fits all.” Here are a few guidelines that can help you get the best coverage for your new bike.

Get Insurance Quotes in Advance

Similar to car insurance, you can compare what different companies have to offer for bike insurance online. In fact, you may want to get a quote before you even purchase your motorcycle as some makes and models are more expensive to insure than others. High performance bikes used for sports racing, for example, are more costly to insure due to a higher risk of accidents and being more expensive to repair. By discussing insurance costs with a reputable agent in advance, you can make a smart bike choice that will keep your insurance cost down.

Work with a Reputable Agent

Comparing insurance costs online makes it easier to narrow company options so you can pay them a visit and clinch a deal. It’s good to talk to an agent in person as it allows you to ask questions, go over the policy in detail and establish a rapport with a company representative.  An agent can help you personalize your insurance coverage to suit your specific needs and budget. He or she can also explain the legal ramifications of having insurance to give you a better understanding of what kind of coverage to buy.  

Working with a company you trust is key to getting the best coverage at the best price. At InsureUS, we can guide you to making excellent motorcycle insurance choices to protect your new investment.      



What to say, and not to say, after a car wreck

Alex Glenn at NerdWallet, a personal finance site, says you should never say these things after being involved in a car crash:

“I’m fine.” Soft tissue injuries take time to show up. Let your doctor decide if you’re fine.

“Whiplash.” Even if you have it, the word throws up scamming red flags with your insurer.

“Sorry.” Writing in USA Today, Glenn recommends keeping quiet instead. Saying the word could imply you think the crash was your fault.

“Sure, record me.” You can refuse to have a statement recorded at the scene. Know exactly what you want to say before agreeing to it.

Answer questions honestly but stick to the facts. In all circumstances, tell the truth. But don’t offer uncalled-for details. After a wreck they’re hard to remember, and you don’t know all the details yourself.

“Many customers can’t recall specifics,” says Jason Lundberg, a San Francisco attorney specializing in vehicle accidents. “Trying to give precise details can lead to a false recount. Instead of specifics, providing estimates is a good way to cooperate.”

Never assume the blame at the accident scene. Fault is rarely cut and dried, and your interpretation is just that, an interpretation.

“Most accidents are caused by both parties,” Lundberg says. “Sometimes 50-50, sometimes 90-10. Investigations may reveal there is something the other driver could have done to avoid the accident.”

Getting compensated for damages, injuries. Any injury claims that aren’t documented by your doctor won’t be considered.

Getting your vehicle repaired is more straightforward. Get three estimates, but beware of the one that is significantly lower than the other two because the estimator probably missed something.

Staying Safe During Summer Boating Season

When you live in Texas, it’s important to know what to do in order to stay safe throughout boating season. Here’s a lot that you can do and the more you know, the easier it will be to spend time out on the water with confidence that you can keep everyone safe.

Have the Necessary Gear

It’s not as simple as buying a boat and going out on the water. You have to have some gear as well. This includes such things as:

–           Life jackets to fit everyone who will be out with you
–           Navigational gear such as maps and GPS
–           Emergency kit, including first aid and fire extinguisher

All of these are critical and each time you go out on the boat, be sure they are present and in good condition.

Get Trained

Being behind the wheel of a boat is different than driving a car. You want to take a safety course so you know more about the various speed limits that are out there. You can also find out about what the buoys mean and some of the other navigational tools.

It’s not just about learning how to drive a boat, either. Be sure you know how to swim. It can be advantageous to know first aid, as well. This way, should something happen to anyone while you are out on the boat, you can make sure they get the care that they need.

Other Boating Safety Tips

There is plenty that you can do to stay safe this summer. Some other things include:

–           Obtaining a vessel safety check
–           Checking the weather
–           Not drinking aboard the boat
–           Sharing your float plan

Find out how to stay safe during boating season in Cypress, TX today by calling InsureUs.


Tenants Insurance

By Tom Lum

Protection of your assets and the risks of third-party liability should be a primary concern to all renters simply because accidents do happen and we seldom have visibility to them until after the fact. An unwatched pot or overflowing bathtub can cause a great deal of damage to your unit and contents. Tenants insurance covers your contents against losses caused by fire, smoke damage, water damage, vandalism, theft, and many additional perils.

What is the specific protection that tenants insurance can provide?

Contents – Protection for contents in the policyholder’s unit and other personal belongings worn or used by the resident on- and off-premises. If you were able to turn your unit upside down and shake it, whatever falls would generally be considered “contents” whereas whatever doesn’t is part of the building and is not covered. Contents can include, but are not limited to furniture, clothes, televisions, bedding, and dishes. Some restrictions may of course apply.

Personal Liability – If a resident is found to be responsible for causing damage to the building or another person’s property (for example, if a resident accidentally started a fire in their room) or caused bodily injury to another person on the premises, coverage under the policy will respond up to the insured limit to pay legal expenses and compensatory damages subject to the Policy Terms, Conditions, and Exclusions of the policy.

Additional Living Expenses – If as a consequence of an insured loss the tenant’s unit is unfit for occupancy or a resident has to move out their unit while repairs are being made, coverage under the policy will pay the increased expenses up to insured limit incurred by the resident to obtain temporary housing subject to the Terms, Conditions, and Exclusions of the policy. If a resident has to move to a hotel for a few days while their unit is being repaired, these additional costs and increased food costs for restaurant meals may be covered under the Policy subject to the Policy Terms, Conditions, and Exclusions of the policy.

Other Coverages – Additional coverages may be available for earthquake, jewelry, and fine arts. Please check with your insurance broker as required.
Coverages may be subject to a deductible. Please check with your insurance broker for policy specifics.

Additional Benefits

Some tenants insurance policies offer access to value-added services, direct from the insurer, as an additional benefit of the coverage. Novex Insurance Company, for example, offers Novex Assistance – a program designed to provide tenants with services including:

  • An unlimited legal information telephone help line for advice about property, landlord/tenant relations, employment, contracts, social benefits, licences and permits, inheritances, and family law.
  • Home care services including housekeeping when property is damaged; babysitting for sick children or grandchildren; babysitting in case of hospitalization; homemaking on return from hospitalization; and visiting nurse.

Please note that home care services are subject to certain limits and conditions. Please ask for details.

Tenants Insurance Programs

Tenants insurance programs exist for a number of different types of tenants that may offer tailored coverage and pre-negotiated preferred rates for insurance. These preferred rates may offer cost savings over retail market tenants insurance offerings.

Building Tenants Insurance Programs – For the benefit of tenants living in certain buildings.

Seniors Tenants Insurance Programs – For the benefit of senior tenants living in certain retirement homes. May specifically include coverages for hearing aids, wheelchairs, or scooters.

University/College Tenants Insurance Programs – For the benefit of their students while living in residence at certain colleges or universities.
In most cases, tenants insurance programs may be supplied without cost to the building owner, retirement home owner, or college/university. Improved property and general liability loss experience may result for the building owners due to the insurer’s ability to subrogate. This may in turn lead to lower commercial insurance rates in future.


Protecting your contents and yourself against liability risk is a prudent step to take regardless of whether you own your home or not. Tenants insurance is a risk coverage often overlooked by renters that can, in many cases, provide significant risk protection at reasonable rates. Ask your insurance broker about the benefits of tenants insurance and learn how little it can cost to cover your belongings and third-party liability risk.

Article Source:

Labor market improves for new college graduates

At last, incomes for the latest college diploma-holders has risen to the highest level in more than a decade. And unemployment rates are falling quickly, according to a report from the Federal Reserve of New York.

The image of recent grads working in coffee shops is fading. But the data show that their experience highlights a growing divide in the U.S. economy between those with college degrees and those without.

Of course, graduates need the money. Most of them have huge college-education loans to pay off.

Richard Deitz, a senior economist at the New York Fed, and his colleague Jaison Abel, have developed data which answers the question of whether a college degree is worth the cost anymore.

The unemployment rate for college graduates has fallen from more than 7 percent in 2010 to just 4.9 percent recently. That is compared with a 5.3 percent jobless rate recently for all workers.

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Top Renter's Insurance Company in Texas



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