This blog explores how getting married affects car insurance rates and coverage. In addition to lessening the likelihood of developing dementia or heart disease, getting married can lower your car insurance premiums. Insurance companies love statistics and statistics show that married couples simply have fewer car accidents. No one knows for certain the why behind this. Theories abound. The theories include married people drive less and they’re more stable and less risky. One study conducted in New Zealand drivers who never-married had twice the car accident risk of married drivers. For this reason, getting married usually results in a discount on auto insurance – even for males younger than 25 who normally get stuck with the highest premiums. To maximize your benefits, discuss your plan with your InsureUS representative in Cypress, TX. They can help you determine which method works best for lowering your rates. You could:
- combine auto insurance policies,
- add your spouse as a secondary driver,
- add your spouse’s vehicle to your policy,
- not add your spouse at all.
That last one may seem confusing, but if your spouse has a poor driving record, for example, a DUI or speeding ticket, adding them negatively affects your policy. Also, don’t combine if one of you recently experienced a gap in insurance coverage. A divorce results in the loss of these discounts.
We’re not saying run out and get married to lower your car insurance but do come talk to us at InsureUS in Cypress, TX a few weeks before or after your wedding. Also, come chat if you don’t already have combined or multi-policy car insurance and already married.