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Tax-free savings plans for people with disabilities

States across the nation are beginning to offer an investment account for people with disabilities. It’s similar to the 529 college savings plans. The first states to offer the plans were Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Nebraska.

Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts allow those with disabilities and their families to invest money and withdraw it later, with tax free earnings, for housing, education, transportation, health care and employment training.

A key feature of the plans: having the savings won’t disqualify people from valuable federal benefits, such as Medicaid.

Before ABLE, people with disabilities became ineligible for federal benefits, such as SSI and Medicaid, if they had more than $2,000 in cash and property, $3,000 for couples.

An ABLE account allows tax-free withdrawals for a wide range of expenses, but if withdrawals are used for unqualified purposes, the earnings will be taxed as regular income.

To qualify for ABLE, the beneficiary’s disability must have begun before age 26. Up to $14,000 can be deposited in an ABLE account yearly. If the savings account balance reaches $100,000, the owner will no longer be eligible for federal benefits.

Show appreciation to all who help or perform well

“Bonuses get spent, titles get old, but a thank you lingers”

Larry Page has his own “Reasons to work at Google.” It says things like, “We love our employees and we want them to know it,” and “Appreciation is the best motivation.”

Janice Kaplan, author of a new book called The Gratitude Diaries, says companies are setting a thank-you trend, mainly because expressions of gratitude in the workplace are scarce.

In just one survey, 80 percent of people said that receiving gratitude or appreciation for their work makes them want to work harder.

An analysis of 50 studies by the London School of Economics shows that people give their best effort if they are interested or excited about their work, but especially if others appreciate what they are doing.

At the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, Professor Adam Grant divides people into three categories: Takers do something if they will get something in return.

Matchers are always playing the corporate game.

Givers contribute to others without looking for a reward. They offer help, advice and knowledge. While many workplaces have a competitive atmosphere, givers can also end up on top. Those who combine giving to others with awareness of their own needs can be the most successful of all, Dr. Grant says.

It’s not just managers who should show appreciation. Co-workers can make a difference with a simple “I appreciate that,” when dealing with others.

Seniors could be using driverless cars in the future

Google, GM, Ford, Tesla, and BMW are all researching and testing automated car technology.

While the prospect of robotic cars may be anxiety-provoking to some, a car that drives itself at the push of a button could mean more freedom and mobility for older adults

The decision to stop driving can have an enormous impact on those who live in suburban or rural areas. Jennifer FitzPatrick, a gerontologist and professor at Johns Hopkins University, whose book, Cruising through Caregiving: Reducing the Stress of Caring for Your Loved One, sees driving cessation as a source of anger and frustration.

“It’s the idea that they have to depend on someone and they lose their privacy,” FitzPatrick says. A study by the American Automobile Association (AAA) found that seniors who stopped driving were twice as likely to experience depression. Among family caregivers, the dependency created by driving retirement adds added work and stress.

AARP says that 80 percent of the 45 million adults aged 65 and older in the U.S. live in car-dependent communities. Many advocates of driverless car technology think that when they are mobile longer, it means a better quality of life for them and for caregivers.

FitzPatrick sees the advent of driverless cars as incredibly exciting. And she says older adults who still drive are more cautious. They stay closer to home and only drive during the daytime.

Forklift Hazards

On a forklift, stability is the key to safety and the most important step is knowing your lift’s capacity, according to

Always be aware of the load capacity of a forklift. Review the data plate on the truck. Data plates should be readable and not tampered with in any way. If a data plate has been altered, check with the employer.

Know your route. In busy environments, be familiar with possible obstacles or traffic that can cause problems. Narrow passages or areas with foot traffic can make your passage dangerous. Don’t hesitate to stop and wait for traffic or hazards to clear.

Of course, this can only be done if you are driving at a speed suitable for the situation. Driving too fast on a forklift is a common cause of accidents in the workplace. Be aware of speed bumps and workplace speed limits.

Behind the wheel … CAUTION!

The National Safety Council cites many reasons for the big increase in traffic deaths during 2015.

In spite of all the safety features on today’s cars, the number of traffic deaths in the United States rose l8 percent in 2015 over 2014 figures, the largest year-to-year percentage increase in a half-century, according to preliminary estimates by the National Safety Council.

About 38,000 people were killed on U.S. roads, and 4.4 million people were seriously injured, the council said. That would make 2015 the deadliest driving year since 2008.

Council experts say a stronger economy and lower unemployment rates were among key factors that put more people on the road. Add to that cheaper gas prices, which were down by 28 percent from 2014 and encouraged many drivers to take road trips.

The Transportation Department estimated that there was a 3.5 percent increase in the number of miles driven by motorists in the U.S. in 2015.

They are all legitimate reasons for that deadly year, but as you read them, two factors stand out:

* All of those circumstances still exist this year, and those death and injury causes could be even higher. There are probably more drivers than ever on the road, and each driver could be more involved in road trips.

* In 2016, the only thing that could be much better is you! Armed with these 2015 statistics and progressions, you could decide to be a more attentive and careful driver in the cities and on the Interstates.

Honoring personal time

Today the boss and your colleagues can reach you 24-7, at night, on vacation, at your kid’s soccer game.

Technology has been seeping into off work hours for years and the problem is worldwide. Volkswagen AG recently passed a corporate-wide rule banning business emails between 6:15 am and 7 p.m. German employees love it.

In the U.S. the issue has resulted in overtime lawsuits.

Managers can solve the problem.

* Build in predictability. Nancy Rothbard, a Wharton School management professor recommends spending part of Friday afternoon scheduling time to complete mandatory projects for the next week so you won’t end up doing them at night.

* Schedule a 4 p.m. triage. Decide what your team should finish by the next day. Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, asks “If an evil villain cut the power, what would you still do?”

* Use lunchtime for check-ins. Make social and brainstorming rounds while grabbing some food. That way you get interaction, but can still deal with anything that comes up before quitting time, Vanderkam says.

Other experts, quoted in Bloomberg Businessweek, say the open configuration of offices is partly to blame because no one gets to concentrate.

Airlines predict a record summer

U.S. airlines expect record passenger loads for June to August 15, a 4.5 percent increase over last year.

With packed planes, customers should focus on traveling with civility, especially when conditions that breed conflict and bad behavior are rising.

* Board nicely. Avoid cutting in line, or pushing and shoving so you can board ahead of other passengers.

* Don’t use more than your seat space, or lean into strangers when you sleep. If you want to recline, ask the person behind you before you do.

* Share the overhead bins. Jamming stuff into them can damage others’ belongings. If you have small, crushable bags or fancy hat, put it under the seat in front of you.

Tenants Insurance

By Tom Lum

Protection of your assets and the risks of third-party liability should be a primary concern to all renters simply because accidents do happen and we seldom have visibility to them until after the fact. An unwatched pot or overflowing bathtub can cause a great deal of damage to your unit and contents. Tenants insurance covers your contents against losses caused by fire, smoke damage, water damage, vandalism, theft, and many additional perils.

What is the specific protection that tenants insurance can provide?

Contents – Protection for contents in the policyholder’s unit and other personal belongings worn or used by the resident on- and off-premises. If you were able to turn your unit upside down and shake it, whatever falls would generally be considered “contents” whereas whatever doesn’t is part of the building and is not covered. Contents can include, but are not limited to furniture, clothes, televisions, bedding, and dishes. Some restrictions may of course apply.

Personal Liability – If a resident is found to be responsible for causing damage to the building or another person’s property (for example, if a resident accidentally started a fire in their room) or caused bodily injury to another person on the premises, coverage under the policy will respond up to the insured limit to pay legal expenses and compensatory damages subject to the Policy Terms, Conditions, and Exclusions of the policy.

Additional Living Expenses – If as a consequence of an insured loss the tenant’s unit is unfit for occupancy or a resident has to move out their unit while repairs are being made, coverage under the policy will pay the increased expenses up to insured limit incurred by the resident to obtain temporary housing subject to the Terms, Conditions, and Exclusions of the policy. If a resident has to move to a hotel for a few days while their unit is being repaired, these additional costs and increased food costs for restaurant meals may be covered under the Policy subject to the Policy Terms, Conditions, and Exclusions of the policy.

Other Coverages – Additional coverages may be available for earthquake, jewelry, and fine arts. Please check with your insurance broker as required.
Coverages may be subject to a deductible. Please check with your insurance broker for policy specifics.

Additional Benefits

Some tenants insurance policies offer access to value-added services, direct from the insurer, as an additional benefit of the coverage. Novex Insurance Company, for example, offers Novex Assistance – a program designed to provide tenants with services including:

  • An unlimited legal information telephone help line for advice about property, landlord/tenant relations, employment, contracts, social benefits, licences and permits, inheritances, and family law.
  • Home care services including housekeeping when property is damaged; babysitting for sick children or grandchildren; babysitting in case of hospitalization; homemaking on return from hospitalization; and visiting nurse.

Please note that home care services are subject to certain limits and conditions. Please ask for details.

Tenants Insurance Programs

Tenants insurance programs exist for a number of different types of tenants that may offer tailored coverage and pre-negotiated preferred rates for insurance. These preferred rates may offer cost savings over retail market tenants insurance offerings.

Building Tenants Insurance Programs – For the benefit of tenants living in certain buildings.

Seniors Tenants Insurance Programs – For the benefit of senior tenants living in certain retirement homes. May specifically include coverages for hearing aids, wheelchairs, or scooters.

University/College Tenants Insurance Programs – For the benefit of their students while living in residence at certain colleges or universities.
In most cases, tenants insurance programs may be supplied without cost to the building owner, retirement home owner, or college/university. Improved property and general liability loss experience may result for the building owners due to the insurer’s ability to subrogate. This may in turn lead to lower commercial insurance rates in future.


Protecting your contents and yourself against liability risk is a prudent step to take regardless of whether you own your home or not. Tenants insurance is a risk coverage often overlooked by renters that can, in many cases, provide significant risk protection at reasonable rates. Ask your insurance broker about the benefits of tenants insurance and learn how little it can cost to cover your belongings and third-party liability risk.

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Ways To Make Moving Less Stressful

Finding a new home to live in is very exciting. However, the actual act of moving is not something that anyone looks forward to. The actual moving process can be very stressful if it is not planned and executed well. To assist in the moving process, we have gathered some tips that will make it easier both while packing and while you are unpacking. To explore your options for homeowner’s insurance, be sure to contact us at InsureUS. 

  • Coordinate packing by room and color code your boxes. A big mistake that many people make is that they fail to pack by room. If you pack by room and you take the time to color coordinate your boxes as you go, then the unpacking process is so much easier. You can move all of the boxes by color into their corresponding room while you are moving and then unpacking is easy because the boxes you need for that room are already in there. You will not have to spend any time searching for a box in the pile. 
  • Keep an inventory. Another great thing to do is keep an inventory of items as you pack them and mark where you have them packed. This is helpful because if you need to find something fast, you can refer to your inventory sheet and find it in no time at all. It is also a great idea to label your boxes in this process.
  • Pack a first night bag. Chances are that you will not want to unpack your home on the same day that you move. You will still need some basic items on the first night so make it easier on everyone and pack a first night bag with all items you need. That way you can get some much needed rest before tackling all of those boxes. 

Labor market improves for new college graduates

At last, incomes for the latest college diploma-holders has risen to the highest level in more than a decade. And unemployment rates are falling quickly, according to a report from the Federal Reserve of New York.

The image of recent grads working in coffee shops is fading. But the data show that their experience highlights a growing divide in the U.S. economy between those with college degrees and those without.

Of course, graduates need the money. Most of them have huge college-education loans to pay off.

Richard Deitz, a senior economist at the New York Fed, and his colleague Jaison Abel, have developed data which answers the question of whether a college degree is worth the cost anymore.

The unemployment rate for college graduates has fallen from more than 7 percent in 2010 to just 4.9 percent recently. That is compared with a 5.3 percent jobless rate recently for all workers.

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