For your business to grow, you must update your insurance annually. A company that continues to operate without an updated insurance plan is unstable. Many changes could occur to business, and we at InsureUS, serving Cypress, TX, could help you renew your commercial insurance.
Insurance Coverage is Inadequate
The first reason is that renewing your insurance yearly is vital because you might not have enough coverage to protect your business. An annual review helps examine all areas of your business that need to be covered. If you add a particular item to your product line, you have to update that in your insurance plan. Updating this will allow claims related to this new product to be covered in your plan.
Change of Business Location or Expansion
When you move your business to a different location or expand, you also need to update your commercial insurance. You will need to reflect these changes in your insurance plan. Even if you made some changes or upgrades in your business property or building, you also need to add that to your insurance. This is especially important if you invested a lot of money into these changes.
Change in Employee Staffing
If you have employees, you’ll need to update your business insurance to reflect any changes in staffing. If any workers have been terminated or hired, you will have to follow up with your insurance advisor to make these changes. Although Texas is the only state in America that doesn’t require worker’s compensation for certain businesses, it might be a good idea to include this to cover an injured employee’s lost wages.
Renewing your commercial insurance helps protect your business and its assets. If you live in Cypress, TX, contact InsureUS today to help you do this.